IX Swap — The First DeFi Token With Security and Stocks

4 min readDec 1, 2021

Cryptocurrency is a new creative Financial Ecosystem that presents a new monetary form of Decentralized Finance that is built on the Blockchain technology Network. Blockchain offers an infinite financial ecosystem and was spread through public databases, assuring transparency and efficiency. Blockchain Technology recently introduced the Decentralized Finance Concept (DeFi), which allows complex banking processes to be implemented on Blockchain without the assistance of centralized entities such as banks. DeFi allows the process to be completed automatically through smart-contracts, significantly improving the settlement process and ensuring efficiency. IX Swap is one of the initiatives that uses STO Market with the DeFi technology to create a new type of digital money.

What is IX Swap?

IX Swap is the first AMM Platform to incorporate STO and Stocks with Crypto using the DeFi (Decentralized Finance) idea. IX swap enables STO investors to earn passive income from their assets, securities, or stocks through a liquidity method distributed directly on the Blockchain public network, resulting in a simpler process without the need for a centralized entity where Smart-Contracts will automatically become a means of settlement transactions that do not require large costs or a long time. IX Swap also assures that STO assets have a higher potential value, allowing traditional investors to have access to the global Crypto market more effectively, and it provides a robust multi-functional platform. Their team is also adopting Licensed Partners to provide transparency and optimum security in all processes.

The IX Swap Team created an advanced Structure Framework that is directly integrated with advanced Smart Contracts, allowing for easier access to critical data that is considered indispensable in today’s Blockchain market. Their platform creates a new innovative Ecosystem combining STO, Stocks, and Powerful DeFi, which is unique and effective on a single AMM platform. Their team also intends to implement various interesting features with their ecosystem and directly distribute them on an EVM-based public network, making trading easier and more affordable for all ecosystem users, as well as implementing a Swap System via a Decentralized Automated Market Maker, which enables Peer-to-peer Transactions. To-Peer, the Ecosystem has STO and Stocksa Staking & Farming Features under development to facilitate various transaction processes, and because IX Swap’s main goal is to combine traditional markets with DeFi in their ecosystem, they will implement them in one place via DeFi feature being developed where users can access Crypto, Stocks, and STO markets simultaneously at lower costs, along with advanced security and implementation of multi-functional wallets.

What is IXS Token?

The IX Swap AMM Platform will use a Blockchain Technology Based Token called IXS Token, which is a new form of currency that allows EVM Technology based Tokenization and by utilizing the Smart Contract feature allows the process to be automated and more transparent for each Transaction without the need to go through a Centralized Entity. Every IX Token Holder also receives various unique benefits such as lower fees, Staking, Farming, Early-Access, Discount, Exclusive Sale, etc. This token enables different possible feature access in IX swap, and it will be maintained using various programs such as Burning, which keeps inflation under control. Team IX Swap also provides wide token usefulness while maintaining robust liquidity.

Roadmap :

Conclusion :

IX Swap is a one-of-a-kind platform where their system provides numerous conveniences and new innovations that bring many benefits in one ecosystem that mixes traditional market with crypto through DeFi on one platform. Their platform also allows everyone to enter the cryptocurrency market through an easy-to-use User Interface that is easier to use with Web3 dApps Implementation, and they also offer a very Innovative and competitive community-based Concept with a completely Community Based Economic through Governance and also Decentralized financial management so that everyone can participate in Platform Development. The IX Swap ecosystem also employs a strong architecture to provide transparency and security in all transaction processes inside their ecosystem. I highly encourage that you become a member of this one-of-a-kind Ecosystem..

More Info :

Website: https://ixswap.io/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/IxSwap
Telegram: https://t.me/ixswapofficial
Medium: https://ixswap.medium.com/
Litepaper: https://ixswap.io/app/uploads/2021/08/IX-Swap-Litepaper.pdf


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